Experienced Access Consultancy

Over 15 years experience, NRAC Consultant accredited, Auditing, Appraisal, Training, Design & Access Statements, Access Plans, Lifetime Homes & Wheelchair Homes Compliance.Experienced access index banner

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Disability Equality Advisor

SENDA (Special Educational Needs & Disability Act), EA (Equality Act), DDA (Disability Discrimination Act), Consultation & Engagement, Research, Statistical Analysis, Exhibition, Display & Design Appraisal. Disability equality advisor banner

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Inclusive Environments Consultant

Listed Buildings, Scheduled Ancient Monument, Country Parks, Rural Environments, Assistive Technology, Alternative Access, Accommodation & Assistance, Education, Fire Emergency Evacuation & EgressInclusive environments banner

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TCM Access Consultants graphic text About Us

TCM Access Consultants provide access consultancy services to service providers, businesses and the design and construction industry throughout the public and private sectors.  We provide qualified access consultancy services, access audit, appraisal and design review, based on current legislative requirements, the latest inclusive design standards and over 15 years of experience.  Whether you are a small business, service provider, a museum or gallery operator or a project management or design team TCM Access Consultants deliver the services you need on time and to budget.

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TCM Access Consultants graphic text Qualification

TCM Access Consultants has over 15 years of experience in the disability access field. TCM is run by disabled people who have a lifetime experience of disability. Our auditors and consultants are NRAC (National Register of Access Consultants) Consultant accredited, representative actively in the AA (Access Association) and regularly complete CPD to ensure that we are familiar with the changing landscape of legislation and regulation.


TCM Access Consultants graphic text Equality Act 2010

TCM Access Consultants work hard to keep up with changing legislation, case law and legal requirements.  This knowledge ensures that we can advise our clients on the requirements of current legislation.

The Equality Act 2010 (EA) took over from the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) from October 2010.  The EA places a duty on providers of goods, facilities and services to anticipate the needs of disabled people and to make“reasonable adjustments” to provide auxiliary aids, change practices and procedure and alter physical features that put disabled people “at a substantial disadvantage compared to those that are not disabled”.

Reasonable adjustments are changes such as physical changes to a building, providing extra equipment or services, or changing a policy, practice or procedure. Many adjustments can be implemented very simply and cost-effectively. Others need more consideration, but can often be done as part of general refurbishment, redecoration, relocation or restructuring. When deciding whether an adjustment is reasonable, providers of goods, facilities and services can consider issues such as the cost of the adjustment, the practicality of making it, health and safety factors, the size and resources of the organisation, and whether it will achieve the desired effect.

The duty to provide reasonable adjustments is anticipatory, that means that an organisation must not wait until a disabled person wants to use a service that they provide before they give consideration to their duty to make reasonable adjustments. They are required to anticipate the requirements of disabled people and the adjustments that may have to be made for them. Failure to anticipate and provide reasonable adjustments could lead to a disabled person feeling that they are discriminated against. If their feeling is strong this could lead to a civil court action brought under The Equality Act 2010.

TCM Access Consultants deliver recommendations that help you meet your legislative requirements within the financial, physical and legal constraints of your organisation.


TCM Access Consultants graphic text Assurance

TCM Access Consultants is committed to the peace of mind of our clients. We hold all of the relevaant Professional Indemnity, Public Liability and other professional insurances alongside rhobust health & safety, equality, environment and employment policies to assure our clients of our suitability.